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4DOS Shareware Order Form
Version 4.0 -- November 18, 1991
Copyright 1988 - 1991, JP Software Inc., All Rights Reserved. Published
by JP Software Inc., P.O. Box 1470, E. Arlington, MA 02174 USA, (617)
This 5-page file, ORDER.FRM, provides information on registering (pur-
chasing) 4DOS. The order form is on page 2, and there is a separate form
on page 5 for registered users of 4DOS who wish to upgrade to version 4.0,
order or expand a site license, or purchase other products.
We know you may need to print this file to place your order, so to keep
waste down we've put most of the information about our products, how
shareware works, upgrades, the license agreement, and so on -- everything
except standard pricing and payment information -- into README.DOC and
LICENSE.DOC. Please look there for more details on anything not covered
in this file.
JP Software now carries several add-on products for 4DOS, including a
utility disk with 4DOS-related utilities and the software to modify the
4DOS HELP files for your own use; registered copies of the boot configura-
tion program BOOT.SYS; and copies of the book "Shareware Plus: Featuring
4DOS". For detailed information on all products please see README.DOC. A
complete German version of 4DOS is now available from our German distribu-
tor. For details and ordering information see README.DOC.
You can order your copy of 4DOS through your software dealer if you wish.
Most large dealers have arranged to purchase 4DOS from us on a special-
order basis if it is not considered a stock item. If your dealer does not
have such an arrangement, have them contact us for information.
If you are ordering from outside North America please check the list of
international dealers in the README.DOC file. Purchasing through these
dealers can save you the delay and inconvenience which may be involved in
dealing with currency conversions and international shipping.
You can print this file by COPYing it to your printer with the following
copy order.frm prn
The file already contains form feeds and page footers, so attempting to
print it with a program that formats the pages may not work. Page length
has been set to 58 lines so the file will print properly on laser print-
4DOS 4.0 [11-18-91] ORDER.FRM page 1
4DOS 4.0 Shareware Order Form Return to: JP Software
P.O. Box 1470
E. Arlington, MA 02174 USA
===> Please read the information on the next two pages before
ordering! Otherwise we may not have enough information to
process your order, and it may be delayed. For detailed
information on our products please see README.DOC.
Name ________________________________________________________________
Company _____________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________
Phone _______________________________________________________________
Register 4DOS to: ___ Company ___ Individual
Send information on: ___ Multi-System Licenses ___ Reseller Pricing
I have read and agree to abide by the 4DOS license agreement:
(Signature) _______________________________________________________
Where did you hear about 4DOS? ______________________________________
Credit card orders: MasterCard / Visa / American Express (circle
one); $15 minimum:
Card Number _____________________________________ Expires _______
Exact name on card (print) ______________________________________
Signature (REQUIRED) ____________________________________________
Product (see README.DOC for details) Quantity Price Code
---------------------------------------------- -------- ---------- ----
M 4DOS disks, manual, 1 update*, $69 ________ $ ________ 4FD
M 4OS2 with 4DOS, disks, manual, 1 update*, $89 ________ $ ________ 4FOD
M 4OS2 only, disks, manual, one update*, $69 ________ $ ________ 4FO
M License for ________ systems*: ___ 4DOS ___ 4OS2 $ ________ _____
(see README.DOC or call for pricing)
D 4DOS Utility Disk for registered users, $12 ________ $ ________ 4UTIL
D BOOT.SYS with disk and manual, $42 ________ $ ________ BOOT
M "Shareware Plus / Featuring 4DOS" (book), $34 ________ $ ________ SWP
Disk size: ___ 5.25" acceptable ___ 3.5" required
Subtotal $ ________
Sales Tax (Massachusetts customers only, 5% of subtotal) $ ________
Shipping Charges (see page 3 for amount!) ________ $ ________
Total Enclosed: $ ________
4DOS 4.0 [11-18-91] ORDER.FRM page 2
Order Information
*Upgrade Policy:
When you purchase a registered copy of 4DOS or 4OS2 (including a site
license) directly from JP Software, you are entitled to a free or low-
cost upgrade to the next major release of the product. There is no
charge from us for the upgrade if you download it from CompuServe,
Channel 1, or a similar on-line service or bulletin board. There is a
nominal charge to obtain your upgrade on diskette from us (the exact
amount is determined at the time of each upgrade). Diskette and elec-
tronic copies always include an ASCII manual; new printed manuals are
available for an additional charge. Maintenance releases may be ob-
tained in the same way: downloaded with no charge from us for the
download, or purchased from us on diskette at a nominal cost.
Shipping Charges:
There is no additional charge for standard shipping to the US and
Canada. Orders to the US can be shipped UPS Blue Label for an addi-
tional $5 per order, and can be shipped COD for an additional $4 per
order. If you use one of these services please mark it clearly on
your order form!
Orders shipped outside the US and Canada require an additional ship-
ping charge to cover the increased cost of shipping to these loca-
tions. The charge is based on the shipping code in the left margin of
the order form, and is $5 for each "M" item and $3 for each "D" item.
Contact us for shipping charges on orders for over five items.
Orders typically require 3 - 4 business days processing time before
shipment, and may take more or less depending on our order backlog.
US standard shipping is via UPS Ground, via US Priority Mail where UPS
delivery is impossible (PO Boxes, Alaska, Hawaii, and APO / FPO ad-
dresses), and via First Class Mail for diskette-only orders. Shipping
outside the US is via Air Mail or TNT Mailfast. Shipping time varies
from 1 business day for UPS Ground to New England, to 6 business days
for UPS Ground to California, to several weeks for countries outside
the US where mail service is slow. Express shipping via UPS Red Label
or Federal Express is available; contact us for rates.
Payment Terms:
All credit card charges will be authorized; your card is not charged
until your order is being shipped. Personal checks may be subject to
a bank clearance delay before shipment. All payments must be made in
US funds and drawn on a US bank; see below for more details on inter-
national orders. There is a $10 charge for all returned checks.
4DOS 4.0 [11-18-91] ORDER.FRM page 3
Ordering by Telephone, Electronic Mail, or Fax:
For convenient phone ordering call us between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM
eastern US time at 800-368-8777 (orders only please!), call 617-646-
3975, or transmit your order form to us by fax any time at (617)
646-0904. You can also order via CompuServe (Mail to 75300,210), BIX
(mail to "trawson"), Internet (75300.210@compuserve.com), or MCI Mail
(470-7811). Please include all information on the order form with
your electronic order, preferably in the same format. Telephone, fax,
and electronic mail orders must be paid by credit card.
International Orders:
We are happy to accept orders from outside the US, but must require
payment in the correct form to avoid the exorbitant fees charged by US
and non-US banks for international check collections. Customers out-
side North America may wish to contact one of our international deal-
ers for local service and to avoid this problem; see README.DOC for
more information. We accept:
==> MasterCard, Visa, or American Express. Be sure to include
the cardholder's name exactly as it appears on the card, the
full card number, and the expiration date.
==> A check or money order IN US FUNDS AND DRAWN ON A US BANK.
Other checks must unfortunately be returned, resulting in
significant delay and in additional expense to you. Checks
from banks outside the US are acceptable if and only if they
are in US funds and have the name and location of a corre-
spondent US bank printed on the face of the check.
==> An international postal money order in US dollars.
==> A purchase order (minimum $200). You must contact us before
ordering with a purchase order from outside the US.
Company Purchase Orders:
We are pleased to accept purchase orders from established US companies
and government agencies. Our terms are Net 30 days. Orders under
$100 must be prepaid. We require credit references from new company
customers. Please contact us for information before submitting your
order, or include a standard credit reference sheet with your order.
Multi-System Licenses:
Whether you are a major corporation, a small business, or an individ-
ual with more than one computer, if you plan to use our products on
multiple systems you can save money by ordering a multi-system license
rather than individual copies. We offer a full licensing program for
network, site, and corporate use, and bundling arrangements are avail-
able. See README.DOC for more information on licensing arrangements.
4DOS 4.0 [11-18-91] ORDER.FRM page 4
4DOS 4.0 Upgrade Order Form Return to: JP Software
P.O. Box 1470
E. Arlington, MA 02174 USA
==> This form is ONLY for users who have already registered 4DOS
and need an upgrade or another product. Please read the infor-
mation on the previous two pages before ordering! Otherwise we
may not have enough information to process your order, and it may
be delayed. See page 2 above for new orders.
Name ________________________________________________________________
Company _____________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________
Phone _______________________________________________________________
My copy of 4DOS is registered to (name): ____________________________
My 4DOS serial number is (REQUIRED for upgrades): ___________________
Send information on: ___ Multi-System Licenses ___ Reseller Pricing
Credit card orders: MasterCard / Visa / American Express (circle
one); $15 minimum:
Card Number _____________________________________ Expires _______
Exact name on card (print) ______________________________________
Signature (REQUIRED) ____________________________________________
Product (see README.DOC for details) Quantity Price Code
---------------------------------------------- -------- ---------- ----
M 4DOS low-cost upgrade: with manual, $19** ________ $ ________ 4UPM
D disks only, $7** ________ $ ________ 4UPD
M 4DOS standard upgrade: with manual, $29 ________ $ ________ 4STM
D disks only, $17 ________ $ ________ 4STD
M 4OS2 for registered 4DOS users, $29 ________ $ ________ 4OS2U
D 4DOS Utility Disk for registered users, $12 ________ $ ________ 4UTIL
D BOOT.SYS with disk and manual, $42 ________ $ ________ BOOT
M "Shareware Plus / Featuring 4DOS" (book), $34 ________ $ ________ SWP
Disk size: ___ 5.25" acceptable ___ 3.5" required
Subtotal $ ________
Sales Tax (Massachusetts customers only, 5% of subtotal) $ ________
Shipping Charges (see page 3 for amount!) ________ $ ________
Total Enclosed: $ ________
** You are entitled to a low-cost upgrade to version 4.0 if you purchased
version 3.0 or later at the full price with a printed manual. All other
customers must purchase a standard upgrade.
4DOS 4.0 [11-18-91] ORDER.FRM page 5